


Emerald Gallery
KC Area  Events
St. Pat's Day
Fallin Brothers


The  next Society Meeting will be: 

Feb  18th: at Fox and Hound in Independence. Starting at 7:00 PM.  

















if you are member and would like to post something on the site contact  D. Peoples. Have Fun and Enjoy.



Our Mission:

To provide social and fraternal spirit among Firefighters of Irish ancestry in the Kansas City Metro Area.

Society Purpose:

The purpose of the KC Metro Firefighters Emerald Society is to create a social group of Firefighters, family members, friends, and those with Irish/Scottish or fire related interests.  

The Society is a strong supporter of family and community activities. We hold no political position in the fire department or government policy, but strongly supports local Firefighters. 

Member Departments

Fort Osage Fire Protection Dist.,  Kansas City Fire Dept, Central Jackson County Fire Protection Dist., Independence Fire Dept.,  South Platte Fire Protection Dist., Overland Park Ks. Fire Dept., Lees Summit Fire Dept., Lake City Fire Dept., Grandview Fire Dept., N Kansas City Fire Dept, Prairie Township Fire Dist, Wellington Napoleon Fire Dist, and Holt Fire Protection Dist.

Kansas City

Metro F.O.O.L.S.

At the March 12, 2003 meeting of the Kansas City Metro Firefighters Emerald Society, the Membership approved the formation of the "Kansas City Metro F.O.O.L.S." It was decided to establish the Emerald Society E-Board as the Metro F.O.O.L.S. E-Board. Brother Scofield was nominated into being the liason with F.O.O.L.S. International to make setting up our F.O.O.L.S. chapter official. There is a $5.oo ONE TIME membership fee, payable to F.O.O.L.S. International. The Membership present approved the E-Board to pay $5.oo from your $25.oo annual Emerald Society dues to pay for the F.O.O.L.S. dues. The E-Board also will pay for the $50.oo one time chapter filing fee, used to cover administrative costs at F.O.O.L.S. H.Q.

To fill out an application, click
HERE, print off the application, and get it to Ken Scofield. Scofield works at CJC No.3 which is just off I-70 @ Adams Dairy Parkway in Blue Springs. If you would prefer, mail your application to the snail-mail box at: P.O. Box 1648, Lee's Summit, MO 64063. If you want a F.O.O.L.S. T-Shirt, send the money for that with your application, otherwise order it later off the F.O.O.L.S. International website.

You do NOT need to wear or own a leather helmet to be a member of the F.O.O.L.S. Starter Kits (10-10's, Ben 2's, etc.) and Salad Bowls (metro style) are allowable. However, you DO need to have a respect for the fire service, its traditions, and the brotherhood and fellowship of the fire service. You also have to love having a good time!

There are a couple formalities we will need to observe. Now don't cry, these are good formalities. The Ritual of the Can is one formality that we will all like. The Can is a container filled with a mystic potion (Tequila works). At the beginning of the meeting, a member will announce that The Ritual of the Can is beginning. He/she then takes a shot, and passes The Can to the President, who takes a shot, and it is then passed down the chain of command, each of them taking a shot as well. The Can is then passed back to the member who announced the start of the ritual. That member then announces that the final shot will now be taken. That shot is poured on the ground. This is in honor of all of our fallen brothers and sisters, as this is where they now are resting in peace. This will end The Ritual of the Can.

2003 Executive Board Members:

President:     Dennis S. Peoples

Vice Pres:     Andy Bowe      

Tres:              Greg Daugherty

Records:         Bill Stone    

P. R. Officer:  Mike Ditamore           

S.O.A.:            Jason Peoples


Contact Information                  

Postal address
PO Box 1241 Independence, Mo 64050
General Information:


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Last modified: January 23, 2004